Marissa Beggin
Name/Nickname: Marissa Beggin, Beggs
Hometown: Exeter, NH
Age: 20
Frisbee Resume: B team captain and practice player freshman year, 2 year A team member, Played seacoast ultimate summer league
Major: Allied Health
Proudest Frisbee Moment: I had a layout catch in the endzone and jenny gobin told me it was “above average”
Teammate Swap: I would switch with chetti because I wanna be in a good mood all the time
Explaining Ultimate to your Mom: It’s not disc golf so for the love of god bring chairs to sit in
When I’m not playing Frisbee I’m…: watching vines, listening to pop punk, crying over the walking dead
Walkup Song: Alive with the Glory of Love
Greatest Irrational Fear: for some reason i always have a fear that when we meet at the visitors center i’m gonna show up and accidentally get into a rugby boys car by mistake