Joann Duman

Name/Nickname: Joann, Jo, JoJo

Hometown: Torrington, CT

Age: 20

Frisbee Resume: 2 years on B team, First year on A team

Major: Electrical Engineering

Proudest Frisbee Moment: My freshmen year on B team the first time I threw a huck that someone caught in the endzone

Explaining Ultimate to your Mom: Es sólo lanzar y atrapar un disco….. no ma no como los perros

Greatest Irrational Fear: It’s not a constant fear but after watching a scary movie or hearing something scary I’ll be terribly afraid of flushing the toilet. I mean of course I’ll still flush but I’ll use my foot because I would have already washed my hands so that I could sprint out of the bathroom as fast as humanly possible.screen-shot-2016-11-02-at-8-30-02-pm

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